Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cheap and Easy Meal Planning Solution

Courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I think I found my meal planning solution. 

Many people do themes to help with meal planning - Monday might be 'Meatless Monday' or Friday might be pizza, or Wednesday might be Italian. I used to do that, but it takes a lot of time and creativity for me to match those themes each week. 

However, I did find a different way to use themes that is incredibly helpful. I use 'main meat' themes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Inspiration Boards

While I'm talking about inspiration today, I'd like to share another thing I love - inspiration boards. It's just a simple board where you pin pictures and quotes that inspire you. Here's a look at mine:

It doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to be INSPIRING! :-)

How do you keep yourself inspired to follow your goals? Let me know in the comments! 

Greatness on Display

My boyfriend, Rick, is 49 years old. He was born with cerebral palsy. He's been walking on crutches his whole life. As he's gotten older, his agility and flexibility have decreased like it does for all of us, only it's more noticeable because of his disability.

And he doesn't let any of that stop him.

The picture above is Rick after finishing a 5K race in just under one hour. Now, I'm a lot younger than him, and able-bodied, and *I* couldn't run the 5K. But there we were, with him running and me cheering. His determination and spirit amaze me.

When Rick was in his 20's, he was a sprinter and almost made the Paralympics. He was the fastest guy on crutches (winning the 100M dash) for five years straight. As he's aged, he's kept that competitive spirit alive and moved on to road races, running the Bix (a 7 mile race) multiple times.

At this point, it had been 5 years since he last ran, but he wasn't ready to hang up his shoes yet. He prepared for the 5K, signed up, and finished it in just 3 minutes more than he would have finished it 10 years ago.

When I look at Rick, I see human greatness personified. A man who is strong in spirit and doesn't let his limitations draw boundaries around him. We can all learn a lot from him.

Aren't all of us guilty of getting tired and wanting to quit? Of doubting our abilities? Of deciding that it's just too hard to try? The next time you feel excuses and self-doubt pulling you down, think of Rick and his 5K on crutches at 49 years old. Let his spirit inspire you to greatness.

Who in your life displays greatness? I'd love to hear your stories - share in the comments!! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

To Goal, or Not To Goal?

(Courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net)
Got Goals?

Are you a goal-setter? Some folks love having their plans written out. They love to-do lists, checkboxes, and the feeling of having it all done at the end of the day. They know exactly where they want to go and the steps and sub-steps they need to take to get there.

I don't want to knock those folks at all. I love that they are like that. But it isn't me.


I was supposed to be really goal-oriented. A hard-charger. A smart gal who fought her way to the top and achieved eternal academic glory. 

But I didn't turn out that way.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Trials Of Meal Planning

(Courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

Is it just me, or is menu planning much harder than everyone makes it out to be? Just sit down and plan a week of meals - or better, a month! Yes, it saves time, money, and hassle....

Except that for me, it kinda is a hassle. Is that sacrilegious? Maybe it's because I work full time and have a small business on the side and drive a lot to visit my disabled boyfriend who can't drive himself, but meal planning seems to be the holy grail I can't really reach.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE to 'recipe'. (Yes, I made a noun into a verb. Thank you.)  :-) I love reading recipes, collecting recipes, buying cookbooks, organizing recipes, and dreaming that one day I might cook a recipe. Meanwhile, after work I drag out the Hamburger Helper and microwave a bag of steamed veggies and Rick and I eat while watching re-runs of Pawn Stars.

I actually love to cook, too, although you wouldn't know it from my current habits.